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Thank you for Supporting the Badge
Tuesday, 08 June 2021
The Washington County Police Officers Association would like to thank YOU for your donation, time and committed support during our “Support The Badge”fundraising campaign. Your generous donations will help us support our critically injured officers and their families. Thank you for your generosity and for standing side-by-side with our law enforcement family. Thank YOU for joining our police family and being part of a community team that connects us all together! Your donation has helped us...

Join Us In Making a Difference in our Community, Donate Today!
Tuesday, 08 June 2021
Our annual fundraiser is back! We would like to thank you for your support of the men and women of our Deputy Association who protect us each and every day. A deputies job can be stressful and demanding, but we take great pride in helping our fellow citizens whenever we get the chance. It’s not just our job, it’s our honor to serve.
Please join in our mission, and support the men and women of law enforcement, Donate Here!
Our deputies frequently go into harm’s way to protect our communi...

Remembering 9/11
Tuesday, 08 June 2021
***Originally posted September 7, 2018
September 11th, 2001 rocked America to the core. We will always remember the bravery, strength, and courage the first responders portrayed on that day. On September 11th, please take a moment to honor the 343 heroes who lost their lives. Check out the 9/11 Memorial & Museum website to find a memorial near you.

Austin Police Brothers & Sisters in Capes
Tuesday, 08 June 2021
Our brothers and sisters in blue may not normally wear capes on the job, but the Austin Police Department did when they dressed up as superheroes at their local children’s medical center. We love sharing what our fellow law enforcement officers are doing in their communities! Check out the story and full KXAN video here.
***Originally posted June 20, 2018

2018 Line of Duty Deaths
Tuesday, 08 June 2021
Our country has struggled with the balance of political correctness, maintaining order and protecting those who protect our communities. So far in 2018, too many law enforcement officers have been killed in the line of duty helping to maintain these principles. Let’s take a moment to remember all of these brave heroes by reviewing the 2018 Honor Roll of Heroes… Click here to learn about them.
***Originally posted May 10, 2018

Celebrating Police Week 2018
Tuesday, 08 June 2021
This year, from May 13th to May 19th, thousands of police officers, law enforcement professionals, friends, family, and survivors gather in Washington D.C for National Police Week. In 2017 alone, 129 officers were killed in the line of duty. Since 1791, a total of 21,541 officers have lost their lives in the line of duty.One of the most moving ceremonies is the Annual Candlelight Vigil, where the names of fallen officers will be forever etched into the Memorial Wall. Unlike many memorials in Wa...

Thank you for your support
Tuesday, 08 June 2021
The Washington County Police Officers’ Association would like to express our gratitude for your overwhelming generosity during our “Red, White, Blue, and YOU” fundraising campaign. We truly live by our campaign slogan “One Nation, One Community, Many Voices, Under the Banner of Unity.” Together we do make our community a better and safe place to live and work.
We are honored to have your continued support, and we pledge to uphold our promises to give back to the community that we lov...